SAP S/4HANA - Gambit Consulting

Implement SAP S/4HANA and benefit directly

SAP S/4HANA - Gambit Consulting

Real-time analyses, efficient processes, a modern user interface - the right move to SAP S/4HANA will give your company a massive boost. We make sure that SAP S/4HANA pays off for you!

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Information on SAP S/4HANA and the changeover with GAMBIT

We support your company during implementation and beyond. Find out everything about SAP S/4HANA and our consulting services here.

The pulse of SAP – with GAMBIT

SAP S/4HANA is interesting for you if ...

  • ... you want to build a modern ERP system architecture in the cloud that will enable you to increase the efficiency and speed of your company.
  • ... you want to implement and use end-to-end processes and analyses in real time.
  • ... you want to benefit from SAP's standard processes, which are available plug and play for numerous sectors and industries.
  • ... you want a modern user interface that allows your users to work faster and more easily, regardless of the device.

Are you aware of these challenges?

Slow and inefficient processes

Your outdated ERP system is slowing your company down. Many workflows and processes are too slow and not automated. This makes it impossible to react quickly to market requirements and changes.

High maintenance costs

Maintaining and servicing your existing ERP and IT system landscape is very time-consuming, ties up valuable IT resources and drives up operating costs. How can this problem finally be solved?

Difficulties with data analysis

Informed decisions are difficult because inefficient data silos within the Group hinder your analyses and make it difficult to access important insights. You can only dream of real-time analysis and forecasting.

Limited scalability

You want to grow, but your distributed and heterogeneous systems hinder scalability. Adapting to the requirements of new markets and tapping into new markets is hardly possible for your company.

Your path to SAP S/4HANA

SAP S/4HANA is a new world.

With SAP's integrated solution, companies can manage, connect, control and analyze all processes and resources even better and faster.

Properly understood, SAP S/4HANA is not just a technical update of existing systems. Rather, SAP S/4HANA is a strategic opportunity to realign your company's entire business model, in particular

  • by building a digital system architecture,
  • through the use of modern cloud solutions,
  • through new analysis options,
  • through more easily scalable processes or even
  • through the use of artificial intelligence.

To the non-binding consultation

Examples: How SAP S/4HANA benefits companies in practice!

A multinational corporation...

  • ... uses SAP S/4HANA to automate and accelerate the financial closing process.
  • All financial transactions are now recorded in real time, enabling the immediate reconciliation of general ledgers and sub-ledgers.
  • Real-time analytics also provide immediate insight into the company's financial position.

A consumer goods manufacturer ...

  • ... monitors its supply chain in real time with SAP S/4HANA.
  • The company continuously monitors the status of raw material deliveries and production progress.
  • Greater transparency in the supply chain helps to increase on-time delivery and reduce storage costs.

An internationally active automobile manufacturer ...

  • ... uses SAP S/4HANA to optimize its production planning.
  • With integrated production planning and control, the company can react to fluctuations in demand in real time.
Team Thomas Pasquale 2

Thomas Pasquale, Managing Partner

The GAMBIT offering for SAP S/4HANA is comprehensive, simple and efficient.

+49 2241 8845-637


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5-point checklist: Migration to SAP S/4HANA in day-to-day business

The migration to SAP S/4HANA is a time-consuming and complex project.

This applies to the technical implementation, to the often large number of users and to the budget and time planning.

Every changeover must take place in parallel with ongoing operations - and without becoming a burden on day-to-day business.

To ensure that the changeover goes as smoothly as possible for your company, we recommend that you consider the following aspects, among others:

  • Prepare your organization! Projects of this size must be well prepared in terms of the scheduling of all participants and users, and planned changes must be well communicated.
  • Test extensively before the go-live! Ideally, all future user groups should already be involved in these tests and all future applications and processes should be run through.
  • Use the expertise and experience of external partners! External consultants can support companies in many ways: for example, with regard to the optimization or transformation of existing business processes or the introduction of new business models.
  • Appoint an expert and manager to manage the project! Unclear responsibilities, a lack of trust in the management by those involved or communication problems can quickly prove to be a stumbling block for the entire process.
  • Don't calculate time and budget too tightly! As unforeseen events or errors can always occur in such a large project, you need a time and financial buffer.

SAP S/4HANA: Suitable methodologies and tools for implementation

SAP supports companies with various tools and methodologies when converting to SAP S/4HANA:

  • from analysis tools such as the SAP Readiness Check
  • project management methodologies such as SAP Activate
  • to tools for analyzing processes such as SAP Signavio,
  • solutions for planning the architecture such as LeanIX or
  • migration tools such as SAP Data Migration Cockpit.

These tools and methods are used to structure projects into individual, easier-to-understand steps, analyze processes and facilitate data migration. In addition, there are various support tools and simulations in a test environment.

SAP Activate
, for example, is a methodical approach that allows SAP S/4HANA to be introduced quickly and efficiently. The solution is based on a standardized environment and consists of three parts or “cornerstones”.

The Activate approach includes

  • Best practices for business processes (content),
  • a guided configuration and
  • the methodology for implementation with agile approaches in the core phases of the project (Methodology).

Not sure how to get started or which tools and instruments you need? Then let us work together to prepare you or plan and implement a roadmap program for SAP S/4HANA.

With GAMBIT to SAP S/4HANA: How we support you on the way!

We are your consulting and implementation partner for SAP S/4HANA - from the first steps to the introduction and licenses to the support of your company after implementation in cloud support and lifecycle management.

Our consultants bring business and technology together and help you to introduce SAP S/4HANA - with experience from numerous roadmaps and implementations and more than 25 years of SAP knowledge.

  • We assess the extent to which your company is ready to migrate to SAP S/4HANA - and provide you with the right tools to do so.
  • We will show you the various operating models for SAP S/4HANA and work with you to weigh up the pros and cons of each.
  • We recommend a suitable migration method - always with a view to a modern and flexible target architecture.
  • We implement the solution for you - and provide you with cloud support and proactive lifecycle management even after the go-live.

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Your advantages of an SAP implementation with GAMBIT

More than 200 people who know what is important in SAP projects. Experts who keep an eye on every detail, no matter how small, but don't get bogged down. And project management that is just as progressive and reliable as it needs to be for an implementation.

That's GAMBIT - SAP Gold Partner and certified for SAP S/4HANA, SAP S/4HANA Cloud and the complete cloud offerings RISE with SAP and GROW with SAP.

Roadmap: The foundation for the implementation of SAP S/4HANA

In most cases, we recommend a preliminary project (roadmap program) before implementation. In this structured preliminary project, we examine how best to introduce SAP S/4HANA and how SAP S/4HANA will pay off for your company.

At GAMBIT, however, this review is not a purely IT-based process. At GAMBIT, technology and business always belong together.

We therefore conduct the analysis from the following perspective: The new ERP system should offer clear advantages after the switch, both from a technical and a strategic perspective!

In other words, the switch to SAP S/4HANA should pay off strategically and operationally for your company - and measurably so.

Our audit gives you a glimpse into a possible future. In this way, we lay the foundation for you to make an informed and confident decision and know how to implement it.

GAMBIT: Your experienced partner for your SAP S/4HANA implementation

The specialists at GAMBIT are at your side to support you on the path to SAP S/4HANA - just as we have already done in over 200 SAP S/4HANA projects.

Implementing SAP S/4HANA in a company is a far-reaching decision. However, once you have made this decision in favor of SAP S/4HANA, you will benefit from the changeover in the long term - especially if you opt for a modern cloud architecture in the SAP standard.

Would you like to seize this opportunity now? Whether system architecture, roadmap, process design, implementation, development, cloud support or licenses - we support you from the beginning to the end of your SAP S/4HANA project and beyond.

How to make your project a success!

Implementing SAP S/4HANA - with an end-to-end process model

We have a proven and agile end-to-end process model for SAP S/4HANA that is based on SAP Activate. This enables you to implement SAP S/4HANA quickly and securely - and in line with your goals!

Experience SAP S/4HANA live in the system

Experience SAP S/4HANA live in the roadmap in the demo system with activated processes and demo data. Your experts can access the system, run through processes and see what SAP S/4HANA is capable of.

It won't work without good communication!

We rely on contemporary project management, personal communication and modern training. We use solutions such as OneNote, MS Teams and digital education concepts.

Really everything from a single source!

Whether best practices, private or public cloud, RISE or GROW, support, security or licenses - we support you in all aspects of SAP and do not leave you alone. At GAMBIT, you get SAP S/4HANA as a complete package.

Uwe Schubkegel, Head ERP Global Applications at Landis+Gyr

“GAMBIT is always at our side in this strategically important project.”
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5 advantages with GAMBIT

  • Strategy, technology and process consulting for SAP S/4HANA
  • Tailor-made solutions for your individual requirements - from modern system enhancements to suitable standard processes
  • SAP S/4HANA as a complete package: from A for app to Z for Z development
  • Over 200 national and international SAP S/4HANA projects successfully implemented - from roadmap to greenfield implementation
  • 5/5 - how our customers rate us on Google on average

For advice

Fill out our contact form or give us a call and tell us about your wishes and requirements.

Alternatively, you can select an appointment directly in our calendar here and arrange a 30-minute introductory meeting with us via MS Teams.


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Meinolf Schäfer, Senior Director Sales & Marketing

Do you need more information about SAP S/4HANA? I am here for you!

+49 2241 8845-623

We are your partner for all questions and requirements concerning SAP S/4HANA. Please contact me for a personal conversation.


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