Gambit Consulting - Our Services

SAP Consulting by Gambit: If it needs to get better

Gambit Consulting - Our Services

Sometimes you don't want to lose many words. For example, when it comes to your own performance. But you can be sure: We know exactly what we can do. And you can profit from it.

SAP Consulting by GAMBIT Consulting: Our Expertise for Your Success

Our SAP consultants support you when you want to implement an IT project - from the optimization or consolidation of existing systems, strategy consulting to the implementation of new solutions such as SAP S/4HANA. If you wish, we can also take over the management of your project.

We know our way around SAP. We have been in business for 25 years and are a long-standing SAP Gold Partner. Our more than 250 experts are certified many times over, bring a wealth of experience from countless projects and are always on the ball with new technological developments. So you are always on the safe side with your project.

In areas such as SAP S/4HANA, SAP Central Finance, M&A consulting or data migration, many of our employees have been among the leading experts for years. We have the experience and know-how needed to implement your project on time and within budget - from the introduction of ERP solutions such as SAP S/4HANA, support and optimization in the area of SAP MDG, SAP module consulting to complex transformations of your SAP and IT landscapes in the case of SAP carve-outs, data migrations or restructuring.

Team Thomas Pasquale 1
Our references are highly presentable! Thomas Pasquale, Managing Director and founder of Gambit Our references are highly presentable!

Here you are in good company. These companies trust in our expertise:

To the references

Central services of our SAP consulting: SAP S/4HANA

GAMBIT SAP-Unternehmensberatung specializes in the introduction, implementation and process optimization of SAP S/4HANA software.

SAP S/4HANA is based on the in-memory database technology HANA. The software enables SAP to process, analyze, and deliver data in real time. SAP S/4 HANA is the perfect high-tech answer to the increasing acceleration of business processes in the global economy.

What are the advantages and challenges of implementing SAP S/4HANA?

  • Rapid speed: Process huge amounts of data at top speed.
  • Maximum application flexibility: Retrieve business transactions in real time.
  • Modern Cloud: Use one of the world's best cloud platforms.
  • Easy to use application: Save time, money and effort with a simplified IT landscape.

Would you like to benefit from these advantages and further developments of the software and switch from your current SAP system architecture to SAP S/4HANA? Then let our SAP consultants advise you!

With the GAMBIT-S/4HANA Due Diligence, we are the first SAP consultancy worldwide to offer you a professional concept for the changeover that takes business requirements fully into account.

That means for you:

We provide you with the concept for an SAP-S/4HANA implementation that is perfectly adapted to your needs and requirements. Our SAP consulting always focuses on central values for companies in all industries, such as high benefit, low risk and high acceptance. To this end, our consultants develop a rough and detailed plan for various implementation scenarios and then accompany you during the implementation itself. So the system upgrade with the new software will run smoothly in your working environment.

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Meinolf Schäfer, Senior Director Sales & Marketing

Wir sind Ihr Partner für eine umfassende SAP-Beratung. Was können wir für Sie tun?

+49 2241 8845-623


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SAP consulting: Does a SAP S/4HANA conversion make sense for your company?

Identify and limit risks. One of the first sensible steps in implementing new SAP software is a due diligence audit. Risk fields can be identified, quantified and evaluated here. After the implementation of SAP S/4HANA, a natural habituation process for the users of the software develops. The business processes should, however, fulfil all requirements from the very first day and enable unhindered working.

By identifying potential risks, management and IT can weigh strengths against weaknesses, risks against opportunities. Our SAP consulting accompanies the process of deciding whether a conversion to SAP S/4HANA makes sense for the company. Gambit has gained sufficient experience in consulting in various industries and areas to be able to provide objective SAP consulting. The risks for your company can be evaluated objectively and measures to contain a risk can be developed together with an experienced consultant.

Recognizing and using advantages. As part of SAP consulting, Gambit can name the advantages of SAP S/4HANA in the daily operational processes for a specific company, but can also answer relevant questions from a project partner with high competence:

  • What does a company need to consider when switching from previously used SAP system landscapes to SAP S/4HANA?
  • Are there different procedures for implementing SAP S/4HANA? Which one would be best for your company?
  • Can existing requirements in the areas of management, marketing, sales, controlling, accounting, purchasing and logistics be met immediately after the introduction of SAP S/4HANA? Can progress even be expected? Does SAP S/4HANA provide the necessary tools to analyze and manage a company in real time when comparing systems?
  • How much time and money can be expected for the introduction of SAP S/4HANA? How much work does the changeover really cause?
  • What advantage does your company have if you call in Gambit as specialists and consultants and what tasks or consulting services do we take on?

As SAP consultants specializing in the introduction of SAP S/4HANA, we have the expertise that you would first have to acquire in a learning process. If you involve our consultants as service providers for the SAP changeover, we will work with you to design and implement an optimization of the changeover process.

Learn more about the conversion to SAP S/4HANA!
To the section SAP S/4 HANA

SAP Consulting - Real-Time Financial Reporting with SAP Central Finance

Having reliable analyses and data at hand in real time is a decisive factor in the modern economy. SAP Central Finance enables you to make the right decisions quickly. Based on SAP S/4 Hana technology, it enables a centralized financial system. Data from SAP and non-SAP ERP systems can be transferred harmonized in this system. Our SAP consulting in the area of SAP Central Finance considers existing business processes and finds individual solutions for your special requirements.

Your advantages:

  • You benefit from real-time financial reporting.
  • Reliable data enables you to make the right decisions quickly.
  • Existing IT and SAP systems can remain unchanged with the introduction of SAP Central Finance.
  • You can use the centralized data from the Central Finance System for operational processes in shared service organizations. You benefit from more efficiency and higher quality.
  • SAP Central Finance provides simplified ways to harmonize and improve data quality.

SAP Central Finance is ideal for the phased introduction of SAP S/4 Hana. This enables you to consolidate the existing systems before a migration and prepare a roadmap for the integration of SAP-S/4-Hana. All affected systems continue to run in real time. This simplifies the changeover and also ensures that your workflows and business processes remain undisturbed. Our consultants will support you throughout the entire changeover process and beyond.

SAP Consulting: Does a SAP Central Finance conversion make sense for your company?

The speed increases - stay on the ball. Rapid reactions are necessary in a time of rapid change: Social media platforms are hyped and disappear just as quickly. Crypto currencies already reach half of the market capitalization of some DAX companies in the conception phase. 5 billion people have simultaneously become transmitters and receivers via their smartphones. The classic communication channels are disrupted. Markets change. The Old Economy must respond to challengers with fresh ideas. Product cycles are becoming shorter and shorter and are reduced - as in the case of smartphones, for example - to a good 12 months. Old-established companies often find it difficult to find smart solutions for cumbersome business processes.

Similarly, a brand cannot afford to roll out immature products or services. It is important to have a sense of how to recognize market changes in good time. SAP software helps to keep track of changes. This makes it possible to react much more quickly to changes such as falling unit numbers or increased price sensitization of customers, which is reflected in reduced visitor numbers in the retail sector or insufficient conversion in online sales.

The time to react to market changes must be gained within the company itself. But a quick and appropriate reaction can only be achieved if changed requirements in the company are recognised in good time.

Make decisions on a real-time database. Put your corporate strategy on a data-dependent basis with the help of SAP Central Finance. With excellent data consolidation and evaluation, market changes can be detected by the company itself at an early stage. Based on these findings, decisions for measures can be derived and supported in order to find solutions for changing market requirements at an early stage.

Requesting and consolidating the corresponding data from the various departments, subsidiaries or even national companies first costs time and ties up capacities.

If you use SAP Central Finance, this data is already consolidated and available in real time. It is difficult to gain time in R&D and production. However, this is possible through the use of SAP Central Finance. This time can be used to develop innovative products and secure market advantages and market position.

Search engines, internet shops and communication service providers regard data and information as the oil of the 21st century. Our SAP consulting is specialized in the implementation of SAP Central Finance and has been helping companies on their way to the digitalization of central business processes for years.

The benefits of SAP Central Finance in a nutshell:

  • SAP Central Finance bundles the data from different SAP and non-SAP sources (ERP systems) and makes them available in real time.
  • AP Central Finance is the ideal basis for implementing SAP S/4HANA. At the same time, SAP Central Finance is an excellent alternative for companies that do not yet want to make the full transition to SAP S/4HANA.
Learn more about SAP Central Finance!
To the section Central Finance

SAP consulting for SAP data migration

When implementing SAP systems, it is usually necessary to transfer a large amount of data from previously used software systems. This should happen as quickly and smoothly as possible in order to maintain the productivity of your business processes.

The problem:

As a rule, a 1:1 transfer is not possible. Either the source data deviates from the SAP target data or it does not have the required quality. In addition, data from multiple source systems may not have the necessary consistency and integrity in a shared SAP software system.

Gambit SAP consulting includes broad support from our IT specialists

With the help of our consultants, an optimal migration strategy is determined in order to

  • ensure maximum data quality
  • Ensure a smooth move to your SAP systems

We are at your disposal for all necessary steps of the data migration. Our consultants are constant contact persons from the extraction from systems used so far to the mapping, conversion, enrichment and harmonization of these data up to the import into test, quality assurance and productive systems. Finally, we coordinate the results with the responsible departments or employees.

For a smooth move, our SAP consulting company provides you with a complete Data Migration Toolbox. This is a set of tools with which data can be optimally prepared for import into SAP systems.

How does Gambit's SAP consultancy implement SAP data migration?

Harmonic data migration even with heterogeneous data. In practice, our SAP consulting consultants repeatedly come across very long company names. In our example, in the old system, the long company name for sending letters was deliberately divided into two lines so that the company name is not automatically cut at an arbitrary point. In another department of the company, where the completeness of the company name is subordinated to clarity, the long company name may have been abbreviated or parts removed.

Another example are different names in different files for data contents that concern the same subject matter. These could be designations such as place of residence / place of abode or, in the legal area, a summonable address/postal address.

One database may have the house number in the same field as the street, the other database separately.

Gambit uses proven tools to migrate SAP data harmoniously into a single consolidated database. The tools can recognize and assign data that is similar in content but different (such as place of residence and whereabouts). In the course of our SAP consulting, we investigate and find such details in advance and plan appropriate steps for the data migration.

Migration with current SAP tools. Gambit's SAP consulting works for enterprise consulting with a variety of proven SAP tools. These are not only semantically smart and can therefore assign different data names to each other, the tools are also continuously updated by SAP SE.

Freedom of movement for testing and training with the SAP Test Data Migration Server. Test environments for your specialist departments cost a lot of storage space and, in the case of extensive data imports and processing, also high computing power. Test environments are needed to test the current state of functionality and to offer training for your employees in a simulated life-like database. Our SAP consulting also offers a solution for this.

A convenient solution for both situations is the SAP Test Data Migration Server. Here your employees are given the opportunity to test the migrated data in a neutral, separate environment. On this server, your employees can familiarize themselves with the new system under realistic conditions. On the server side, there is a broadband connection and by outsourcing to the SAP Test Data Migration Server, you do not load any relevant computer capacities in-house.

Do you need help with data migration in SAP?
To section SAP Data Migration

SAP consulting on the challenges of an SAP carve-out

The acquisition of a company is associated with many challenges. One of these is to separate the seller's IT, including all data and processes, from the existing environment and integrate it into a new one (carve-in and carve-out). How well this succeeds is often decisive for synergy processes and thus decisive for the development of success or failure of an acquisition.

Our SAP consulting offers you an efficient solution for an all around successful carve-out and carve-in an end-to-end service for IT. This begins with the sales negotiations with an analysis of the respective IT landscapes and their integrability and extends all the way to the conclusion of the integration. In detail, we support you with the following carve-in and carve-out services:

  • Before the transaction: Checking the buyer's IT with regard to possible integrations
  • During due diligence: analyses of opportunities, risks and synergies, conception of an integration roadmap
  • Day 1: Ensuring uninterrupted operation
  • After the closing: ensuring a successful integration and synergies, optimizing the systems

Your advantage: At all times you can be sure that the success of your acquisition will not be hindered by IT problems. Trust in the expertise of our consultants.

SAP Carve-Out: SAP Consulting from the Idea to Day 1

Carve-outs as a value-adding entrepreneurial measure. Conglomerates of the old economy that have grown over decades or even generations are often valued by anchor investors at a discount to the value of the sum of the individual company branches. This is due to the higher complexity of the analysis and to the fact that business activities are perceived as less transparent because they are less focused.

New disruptive challengers on the market can suddenly make a company's business areas more attractive. Examples include e-mobility and autonomous driving. Even areas that are subsidized or regulated by the state can be subject to rapid change as a result of environmental protection requirements. Prominent examples here are solar funding, biofuel and nuclear phase-out.

Business units that are dissolved by the parent company benefit from the newly gained independence by being able to make entrepreneurial decisions on shorter routes and concentrated on one goal. Core competencies in sales and marketing communication can be formulated much more concretely than under the umbrella of the Group. The profile sharpness increases significantly in the perception of potential customers.

Another option could be to outsource venture capital in order to pursue unconventional project ideas with the freedom, motivation and flat structures of a start-up and limited financial risk.

From testing to successful implementation, Gambit SAP Consulting is the experienced partner at your side. Gambit can accompany you from the first day you consider the idea of a carve-out to the day you complete the carve-out.

In this way, you receive an objective and factual assessment from an experienced SAP consulting firm regarding the opportunities and possible risks of the SAP carve-out. We will show you alternative ways for SAP carve-out and recommend a solution that seems particularly suitable. We accompany you throughout the entire process up to Day 1 of commissioning and beyond. Of course, we also offer this SAP consulting service for carve-ins.

Learn more about Carve-Out in SAP!
More about SAP Carve-Out

Holistic IT consulting. IT due diligence by experienced SAP consultants.

IT transformations are always highly complex and complex projects. The result of the transformation should improve processes or introduce digital processes, increase organizational efficiency and, if necessary, reduce costs. This presupposes that the management can safely choose the best solution for the company from the multitude of possible solution options. For this reason, our SAP consulting services offer a preliminary due diligence process for particularly extensive projects as support for the decision-making processes in the corporate bodies.

With the help of the Due Diligence, which precedes the project, our customers can make a budget, deadline and future-oriented decision for their planned SAP projects from evaluated solution options.

GAMBIT's SAP consulting has developed highly efficient and holistic SAP system analyses and SAP migration tools in order to lead its SAP projects safely and within the set time and budget to a successful go-live. In addition, we support our customers in the efficient operation and continuous development of their SAP system with our SAP Application Management and an experienced SAP developer team.

What is really important: IT Due Diligence
More about IT Due Diligence

Effective SAP consulting through GAMBIT Consulting

GAMBIT Consulting GmbH offers its customers comprehensive SAP consulting with a focus on SAP transformation projects and the preparation for digital transformation. The scope of our consulting portfolios ranges from:

  • General SAP consulting
  • M&A IT Consulting
  • IT Due Diligence
  • Post-merger IT integration
  • master data governance
  • SAP Landscape Transformation
  • IFRS 15 with SAP RAR
Meinolf Schaefer01 1444x1444px

Meinolf Schäfer, Senior Director Sales & Marketing

Profit from our experience! Let us talk about your project without obligation.

+49 2241 8845-623

We are your partner for all questions and requirements concerning SAP. Please contact me for a personal conversation.


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