Maria Mavrou
„Creativity is very important to me - whether in my free time or at work, when new solutions have to be found."
„Creativity is very important to me - whether in my free time or at work, when new solutions have to be found."
When someone in her circle of friends or family has a birthday, Maria likes to come up with something. "Designing something myself is not only personal, it's also great fun for me - whether that's a design for cards, a ScrapBook or a decorative frame with a vintage look." In any case, such projects never fail because of Maria's creativity, but rather because of the often lack of time. The flexible working hours at GAMBIT do make things easier, but in addition to her job, she and her husband also run a "small family business" with three school-age children. "I'm happy if I can still find time in between for my handicrafts, for a book or for sports." Things are rarely quiet with the three kids, says Maria and laughs. "In terms of language alone, there's a lot of life in our house. In addition to German and Greek, we speak Spanish with the children because my husband and I have southern roots and the early teaching of foreign languages is important to us." At GAMBIT, Maria has been working in human resources since the beginning of 2021. She previously discovered her passion for HR topics through training new employees at Deutsche Telekom, among other things. "The topic just grabbed me back then. And at GAMBIT, too, it is precisely the human and personal aspects that move and excite me. Just recently, a colleague said in one of our onboarding rounds that GAMBIT was a safe haven for her where she felt tremendously comfortable - a wonderful image and exactly the kind of feedback that motivates me."
Maria reviews all application documents and takes her time with each application - not only a sign of thorough work, but also one of appreciation for applicants.
In the area of human resources development, Maria takes care of the planning and organization of trainings for social skills, the exchange with coaches and the variety of training offers.
Work culture is a top priority at GAMBIT. The structured onboarding helps new employees to integrate and network quickly, to clarify questions - and to feel at home right away.
As a team player, Maria appreciates - in addition to the open dialog in the HR team - the cross-departmental collaboration with colleagues from Marketing and Sales. An elbow mentality is a foreign word for all of them.